In recent years, digital versions of media continue to rise with streaming services, VOD, and video games. Going digital or sticking with physical games has been something gamers have been stuck at a crossroads about when choosing games for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and future consoles. Keep reading for our guide on physical vs. digital video games: what’s better?
Digital Games
Digital games have become more normalized, as the upcoming PlayStation 5 will also come in a digital-only version. To obtain a digital game, all you must do is visit the store on the console and download it. This makes it easier than ever to purchase a game and is extremely beneficial for those who are anticipating playing a new game soon as possible. Unlike physical discs, you also don’t have to worry about losing your copy or getting it scratched up.
The downside to owning a digital video game is that it can take up more space on your console, which means you are limited to the amount of games you can play at a time. You also can’t share digital games with friends or resell them either, which some may consider a huge disadvantage.
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For physical games, it’s always feels better to have the actual copy in your hand, especially if it’s a deluxe edition. You can always find better deals with both new and old physical games as well, and they don’t take up a ton of space on your console like digital games do. Some gamers like to build a collection with physical copies which can look impressive. With physical games, you also have the options to borrow them from friends or resell your copy down-the-line.
The biggest issue with physical games is that you can cause some serious harm to the disc and make the game unplayable. A physical copy can also be lost in clutter or stolen if you are not careful. When you get a physical game, you also must visit a local store, which can not only feature long lines, but it also might not be possible right now due to COVID-19.
The ongoing debate with physical vs. digital video games and what’s better will continue as gaming evolves. The most important thing is to understand what comes with both options and decide what works best for you.