In uncertain times, many smart individuals find it necessary to keep a bag full of the necessities required to survive a 48-hour period under any circumstances. Even if this doesn’t sound like you, a little preparation in your life can always help. Before getting any of the items to add to this kit, you have to start with the basics. Read these top tips for choosing the right “go bag” backpack.
Consider the Bag’s Volume
When choosing the right “go bag,” you must first consider its volume. You’re going to need a big bag—one that can fit all the essentials. They may vary from person to person, but the average person will need to be able to add an adequate amount of food, water, and water purification equipment to the pack. Anything beyond that should be considered a luxury. Keep in mind that whatever you put in this pack has to be light enough to carry, as you will be maneuvering in emergency situations with the bag.
Metal Frames Typically Last Longer
Another tip to help you choose the right “go bag” is to choose a metal frame backpack. It is structurally sound and can provide greater working load capabilities compared to other types of backpacks. Besides this, metal frame backpacks typically have a lot of modularity, meaning you may outfit this frame with different types of compartments for various situations.
The Materials for Your Bag
When picking the right bag for your needs, you should always look at the materials. They are important, as they impact the durability and comfort of the bag in the long run. Look for materials that are stiff enough to keep their shape but are moderate enough for comfort. The colors of your bags matter as well, so look for digital camo. From the various changes to military fabrics over the years, it is the most recent camo pattern.
What Special Accessories Come With the Bag?
The last, and perhaps most important, tip for choosing the right backpack is to find one that utilizes special accessories to help you along. These accessories may include anything from a rifle sling point to a specialized camouflage made for your area. No matter the accessories, make sure you have real-world use out of it; otherwise, you’d be wasting your money on a feature you’ll likely never use in the first place.
Now you know how to choose the right “go bag” backpack. While this isn’t the be-all, end-all of what you need to know about bags before choosing your “go bag,” it should give you a good basis for where to start. Be sure to always choose your gear based on what you will realistically encounter in your area instead of what you think you may encounter.