Ironstone Entrance Technologies understands how important it is to provide the highest quality of service and state-of-the-art entrance solutions, particularly when servicing hospitals or other medical facilities.
A malfunctioning door could have serious, negative consequences at a location like a hospital where life and death emergencies are dealt with every day. Ironstone also understands that accessibility matters, offering doors that are AODA compliant (AODA-Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act).
The entrance into the facility is more than a means to an end; it is also an introduction and a welcome for the guest. Ironstone Entrance Technologies ensures guests have smooth access, entering the building with the touch of a button while ensuring that disabilities or limitations are catered to.
The hospital door options available with Ironstone Entrance Technologies are state-of-the-art and are suited to meet all entrance solution demands including emergency rooms, interior corridors, patient rooms, pharmacies, intensive care units, public restrooms, procedure rooms, sensitive areas, and the main entrance.
Hospital staff and patients must be allowed to navigate the facilities quickly, easily, and efficiently, as doing so may be a matter of life and death. This is why Ironstone Entrance Technologies caters to every area of the facility and provides long-lasting, high-performance automatic and manual door solutions.
Staff is available 24/7, so if a client does have an issue with one of their doors, they can receive immediate attention.
Ironstone served the community as an essential service throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, remaining reliable in times of crisis to service vital institutions like our hospitals.
Ironstone’s technicians are AAADM’s and manufacturer certified capable of offering and maintaining the best solutions for every need. Hospitals require the very best in entrance solutions which is why Ironstone Entrance Technologies affords them every tool and service they will need to maximize efficiency, safety, and reliability while ensuring the longevity of their doors.
With various access control systems, incorporating swinging doors and sliding doors with various options, materials and applications, whether it be new construction or retrofit applications, and functions, Ironstone can fulfil entrance needs for every sector.
Hospitals require the very best and cutting-edge entrance solutions and that is why they turn to Ironstone Entrance Technologies.
Contact Ironstone today and let them help keep your entrance solutions in check.