The next time you feel short on cash, take a look around your domicile. There are items in your home that may contain precious metals. If you can identify these little treasures, you might be able to walk away with a nice chunk of change.
Old Electronic Devices
It may surprise you how many metals are in your laptops, desktops, remotes, cellphones, radios, televisions, and audio equipment. Each of these items contain small amounts of gold. But it is important to stress how little value can be found in these individually. If you want to make money from selling the precious metals in your old electronic devices, you will have to collect a great deal of them.
Perhaps jewelry is the most obvious item in your home that may contain precious metals. Looking through old jewelry boxes or drawers, you may find valuable items. It can be easy to overlook pins, coins, and earrings. But some of them may contain silver, gold, or platinum.
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When people eat their finest food on Christmas or Thanksgiving, they may not realize their utensils are worth more than the entire cost of the meal. You should learn how to identify valuable flatware silver so that you can make an educated decision on whether or not to sell your flatware.
Much like with jewelry, most of flatware’s value depends on whether it is made purely from precious metals or if it is plated. They may also have value outside of the worth of their metals. Some flatware may be more valuable to a collector for their historic importance than a refinery for their metals.