Humanity’s effect on the environment is becoming more pressing with each passing day. To leave a healthy planet for our children, we need to adopt more environmentally friendly practices in our daily lives. Here are some practical ways to live an eco-friendlier lifestyle.
Minimize Your Use of Plastic Bags
You’ve no doubt seen plastic bags strewn across parking lots and sidewalks. Plastic bags can harm animals who eat them, pollute the soil, and accumulate for hundreds of years. They can seem incredibly convenient when you’re buying products at the grocery store, but by thinking ahead before shopping and remembering to bring your reusable bags from home, you can significantly reduce your plastic bag use.
Make Sustainable Changes to Your Home
If you’re a homeowner, you can significantly affect the environment by adopting sustainable techniques and products inside your house. Simple changes such as replacing your standard bulbs with LED light bulbs can reduce your carbon footprint and save you on energy costs. If you have children, starting eco-friendly practices in your home now can instill beneficial practices in your kids for a lifetime.
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Much of the greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural industry are attributable to meat and milk production. Emissions occur at every step of the manufacturing process, including processing, packaging, and delivering. You don’t have to immediately adopt an all-vegan diet, but you should become more aware of your meat and dairy consumption and take active steps to reduce the amount you eat of each. For example, you can try and do “Meatless Mondays,” where you eat only plant-based foods one day a week.
Recycling is vital because it minimizes pollution, decreases the need for the extraction of raw materials, saves energy, decreases greenhouse gas emissions, saves, and reduces waste on industrial sites. The practice includes sorting and cleaning garbage—mostly glass, paper, metal, and plastics—for these secondary materials to be reused in goods. You can set up recycling bins in your own home and sort through your garbage. You can also encourage friends and family members to do the same and push for your workplace to implement its own recycling program.
You don’t have to adopt these practical ways to live an eco-friendlier lifestyle all at once. Change your habits little by little, and one day, you’ll be living your life in a significantly more sustainable way.