The world is not going to end, trust me.
Let’s collectively show up and do what we can and stick together.
Like a neighbour who has suffered in some devastating way, we may not be able to fix their problem, but we can bake or cook and deliver it to their door. There are things we can do in a difficult situation, and even though we feel it is a small thing, we can still help people feel positive. If you can inspire just one person to feel more positive, then that is surely doing something good.
The third wave of the pandemic has hit, and for most of us it may feel like we are in a runaway truck, slamming into a brick wall. But history educates us that despite how bad a situation is, the world is really not going to end, and we will all find our way and move on.
This country is facing a perilous race between fighting the virus and the variants and getting vaccines. We are a global experiment as other countries watch us scramble to survive and to many it seems a totally daunting and never-ending task.
But it will end. Be patient.
The world will still turn. We will not be in an apocalyptic land where 95% of the world we know is gone and we become like a futuristic movie where we all have to travel to hunt for other life.

Trust the experts, let them do their jobs
Let’s leave the experts to do what they do. Trust that they are learning from past mistakes and new data and taking a positive approach to ramping up vaccines and enforcing strict lockdowns to stop the spread once and for all.
So, what can we do?
We should use our time wisely and prepare.
I am in the travel business and right now, like scores of other agents, I am in my third wave of cancellations. This time seems worse however: people are less willing to postpone and take a credit and they are getting upset, demanding I give them refunds. If you are in the travel business, then you will relate, I am sure.
Aside from dodging the bullets coming at us and working yet again on a third wave of cancelled bookings for zero dollars, it is time for you to get busy planning for your future.
But how?
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Dream big, talk about it
Think of all this as like selling summer sun in a snowstorm. It is the same concept and what do we wish for in a snowstorm? Sun!
Now here is what I want you to do: Pick your favorite destinations and talk about them.
There is no shame wishing you were on a beach when we are in a snowstorm, so do it in the same way.
Each week come up with different experiences relating to travel. Talk
about what you love about these places; talk about how you are looking forward to travelling there when the pandemic is over, or when we can at least travel again. Promote positivity and show your audience, whoever that may be; family, friends, or clients, or on social media – a platform to show how passionate you are about these places.
I am not telling you to ignore the pandemic as it is very real. You can’t make this stuff up – that’s just how real it is.
I am not telling you to tell your clients to travel now – just the opposite in fact.
I truly believe that if we all followed the rules better since March 2020, then we would not be in this mess we now have.
For now, aim to make a positive difference in the lives of others, exercise your mind and map out where you will travel to in our post-pandemic world, and embrace the all the change and challenges.
The world has experienced far worse than COVID-19 and the world has not ended. Enjoy what you have and help those around you – we are better together than we are apart.
This is not our world’s first global crisis and it certainly will not be our last.
This is just a test. I repeat… a test.