We all know that commercial airlines have long been at the top of the pecking order in the travel industry, however, they just might not be the driving force in getting the travel industry back up and running.
You see, private jets are now being utilized among high-end travellers and businesses – all who want that true peace of mind for health and safety when it comes to jet-setting to their city or tropical destination of choice.
Now don’t get me wrong, major airlines are fully committed to health and safety, I know this first-hand, and they do an amazing job for passengers and staff. But the trend right now is leaning towards consumers wanting to fly private rather than commercial. This will most likely change in the very near future as our world enters a new normal and full travel resumes, however, for now private planes serves as a means to an end for a growing number of consumers and we may even see more private-jet-style-themed travel packages becoming more popular this summer and well into 2022, and beyond.
A year ago, as world economies took a huge hit from the COVID-19 pandemic, the private aircraft business cashed in big on the resale market and throughout 2020 to now, exactly a year after our world went into full lockdown, the business has experienced a major uptick in passenger activity.
“The well-travelled are prioritizing well-being today. For those who can afford it, private travel gives peace of mind and ensures that they stay away from the crowd. This has led to a surge in demand for private travel post-pandemic,” says Shashank Nigam, who is the CEO of SimpliFlying and the author of SOAR (Soar: How the Best Brands Delight Customers and Inspire Employees).
What we are learning is that since the pandemic, two key trends have become evident: 1) more leisure trips are being used with private jets, based on equipment, scheduling, and lower hourly rates); 2) people with lower net worth are now using private jets to get from A to B.
What’s really interesting is how accessible private planes are today, compared to a decade-or-so-ago. There was once a time when only the owners of a private jet, along with friends and family, could take off and fly in style. The same was the case with businesses that owned these kind of wings – only for use among their corporate executives moving from place-to-place to “close” the next big deal.
That’s all changed now and a big innovation that has sped up quickly in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic is pre-paid cards for private jets that offer just a few hours or up to 10 or more hours of flying. That’s right, access and more affordability – well it’s still expensive but better than it used to be – is bringing more people into this space.
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So, what does this all mean moving forward to the new era of “new normal” in our post-pandemic travel world?
Well, we will see more travellers utilizing private jets, that’s for sure. But we will also see more people booking them in groups as a package deal – like 20 or so family and friends going to New York City, Fort Myers, the Barbados from Toronto Pearson International Airport – the list of routes and options is endless. Even better, more people will most likely be using private jets to travel Canada and to soak up what our great nation has to offer. Also, we will most likely see more chartered packages on bigger airlines so that people can book in groups so that they feel safer, more accommodated, and relaxed.

Aviation and industry experts say that low-cost airlines won’t be affected by this new trend in private jet travel, but it’s the bigger airlines who offer first-class who might experience a serious hit. It’s not like private planes were never here before, it’s that they are now tapping into lower income brackets.
Are you considering flying on a private jet with a few friends to soak up the sun or to take part in all sorts of adventures off-the-beaten-path? If so, reach out to me today as I would love to hear what private jet company you are using and where you are going.
If you want to learn more about how the private jet industry is booming, then join me on my LinkedIn Live tomorrow at 1:00 PM EST (March 23). I am interviewing Daniel Santiago-Díaz who is an industry veteran and it will be a great show – filled with lots of information and insight into how the private aviation industry is taking off in our post-pandemic world.