Take a deep breath everyone. In a matter of a few more months, our world is going to open back up, and it already has in some places.
Texas just opened up 100% to get its economy moving again. England’s COVID-19 restrictions are anticipated to end by June 21. Qantas Airlines is now offering mystery flights to “surprise” destinations in Australia. Thailand has announced that it has its sights set on reopening the tourism sector by July 1, and Malaysia Airlines has just launched its Digital Travel Health Pass to reopen travel around the world. Here at home, Toronto Pearson Airport, who have just been named the best airport in North America for a fourth year in a row, are rolling out more tech and safety measures with the anticipation of travel ramping up in the very near future.
When the world opens back up, which is real soon, travel is going to take off fast – real fast, like with the blink of an eye. And travel agents are going to come out as huge winners.
We all know how badly the travel industry has been hit since COVID-19 shut down our world a year ago. However, travel agents will make up for the loss as millions of travel consumers are itching to take to the skies after being in lockdown and under endless rules and restrictions – all of which have kept most of us hunkered down at home.
Can you believe that we have been combatting a pandemic for exactly a year now? Since last year, the struggle has been real for many: So many businesses have closed, so many people have lost their jobs and their homes.

Cabin fever set in long ago for most of us travel enthusiasts and vaccinations and new technologies is what’s going to get our world moving again.
Wise words of advice for travel agents in our post-pandemic world
Travel consumers are starting to book trips and the travel industry is going to explode very soon. Airbnb logged nearly 50 million searches in January, VRBO logged 34 million, and Expedia has just reported from a UK-based study that travellers will embark on more trips and extend their vacations.
This is good news!
Why? Well, it’s all quite simple: consumers will need agents more than ever as they are the professionals who know all the ins-and-outs of travel in a post-pandemic world – from insurance to cancelations, and from where to go to getting back home. That’s right, travel agents will remain invaluable for a long time.
If you own a travel business or travel agency, then you know how tough it has been to survive over the last year, both financially and emotionally.
But don’t keep singing the blues, that routine is getting old, real old.
Now is the time to reinvent and pivot – embrace all the changes happening because consumers need you more than ever.
I am telling every travel agent and business to give their websites a big overhaul on the content front – video, images, and information – and now is the time to give your logo a refresh. Additionally, think about new ways to get your message out there on social media and get aggressive; do live videos with interviews, launch quirky videos and images that engage audiences. That is – think big, everyone. Even send out a few press releases to local media to get your brand in the news – get yourself noticed among new and growing audiences.
We have all been down in the dumps and the only way to capitalize on the “new normal” is to not be normal. Don’t operate your business like you did in a pre-pandemic world. Be extraordinary, think outside the box, reinvent and pivot, because when you do, your brand will shine in our noisy digital world.
Travel agents: Give the people what they want
A large number of industry studies over the last year share one thing in common: they highlight how travel consumers will want a different experience in our post-pandemic world.
So, give them the goods and promote places that will bring a smile to people’s faces.
COVID-19 safe havens, if you want to call them that, will be many people’s calling – places like Israel, Palestine, India, the UK, and the Seychelles. These are just a handful of countries that managed the pandemic quite well, so pitch these in your travel packages and promotions.
Even better, start offering more off-the-beaten-path places for consumers to embrace.
Yes, it has been one hell of a tiring year for everyone, and travel consumers want to escape, and they need agents and agencies to help their travel dreams come true.
Travel agents also need to promote the fact that now is the time to book travel. Remind your clients that planes, hotels and guided excursions are all filling up fast, and paying for travel now is less expensive – in a few more months prices will go through the roof, trust me on this one. And don’t forget to promote booking on credit cards as most financial institutions offer insurance, including cancelation insurance.
Reinvent, pivot – I did!
When the world gives you lemons, you don’t make lemonade; you think big and you go big.
What’s there to lose?
Rip apart your website, your logo, your social media, your messaging – make it all new again. Be different and stand out from the rest. You would be amazed at what you can really do when you are cornered with doubt, fear and confusion.
I reinvented and pivoted, and it worked. Mind you, it all wasn’t easy, but I rolled up my sleeves and got to work and I opened my mind up to the world around me.
Remember, fear, doubt and confusion may seem real, but they are illusions. Harness your inner creativity and drive during times of uncertainty and you would be amazed with what you can pull off.
Since the pandemic closed up our world, I relaunched a new website, rebranded from travel agent to travel personality, launched a TV and radio show, and now the media is at my door day-in and day-out wanting my expertise on travel as we navigate through challenging times as an industry. Heck, I have even been nominated for a 2021 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Award!
I have even converted part of my travel-based business in Fonthill, ON into the Travel Café – where locals can come in and enjoy the best coffee from around the world and the best eats from local artisan bakers. It’s also a place to talk travel and share experiences.
It’s all been a long year, and now that the world is changing, then change with it.
Like if all this change scares the living s**t out of you, then I can help, so contact me today. I have a few spaces for clients looking for a revamp. Invest now and I am 100% sure that it will be worth it.