If you are a real estate agent in Halton or in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), then you know all about the kilometers you put in from driving around to meet clients and showing properties.
But just think for a second: if there was new technology on the market that ensured you got paid for just showing up, would you use it?
Of course you would!
Meet Mileage Trakker – a new and handy device that you just plug into your OBDii port and it “trakks” all your mileage for you. The gadget is about the size of a battery and it automatically tracks every trip your vehicle makes.
“This technology is incredible,” explains Clinton Howell, who is a popular real estate agent with RE/MAX Escarpment in Burlington. “I really enjoy it because I just drive and the technology does all the work for me. All I have to do is tag my trips ‘business’ or ‘personal’ and I don’t have to worry about any paperwork at the end of the day or at tax-filing time.”
Howell, who consistently wins top sales performance awards in Burlington and Hamilton, says he and other real estate agents always make the best effort to track their mileage accurately, but he also emphasizes how this new technology is a game-changer on every level.

“Sure, an accountant can estimate the percentage of business mileage for tax purposes, or we can all try and track it on our own the ‘old-school-way’ on paper,” he says. “But what I like about this new technology is that it ensures I get more back at tax time, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with having more money in my pocket.”
Mileage Trakker takes the guesswork out of everything and ensures that you get the correct mileage reimbursement when filing your taxes. Some real estate agents who are getting $1,000 to $,2000 back at tax-time could end up getting more like $4,000 to $7,000, thanks to this new technology.
“This technology is smart” says Howell. “I drive and meet clients and show houses, and this device makes me money – it’s awesome,” he laughs.
If you are a real estate agent and have not tried out this new technology, then you really should.
“I am telling everyone to use Mileage Trakker. It is very, very efficient and it will keep any busy real estate agent well organized in today’s hectic world. More importantly, it really helps keep our roads safer since none of us have to worry about being distracted while driving on our streets and highways,” adds Howell.
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However, buyers beware!
If you get audited, hand-scratched notes won’t cut it, nor will screen shots from your app on your smartphone or tablet. Nor records that are not vehicle specific or outside records (ie. from apps) that the CRA feel could have been altered by you.
So, if you are not accurately recording your mileage and get the call from the CRA questioning your tax returns, then chances are most likely that you will have to pay all your mileage money back.
Ouch! That can easily be a $10,000+ mistake!
However, when you utilize Mileage Trakker’s technology, you are “in-the-safe” since it accurately produces CRA Compliant Reports. This means that in the event of an audit, you won’t have to worry about a thing! You keep your hard earned money and keep making real estate sales. The CRA will be happy, too.
Mileage Trakker is now the big talk in the real estate world.
The technology was developed by Sandra Spiller and Michelle Alexandra, who both operate their innovative and thriving business at HalTech here in Burlington.
Mileage Trakker is part of the new connected car industry, or “AutoTech” technology (one of the main technology tracks being discussed at the recent Collision Technology conference at the Enercare Centre in Toronto). Connected car services like Mileage Trakker are keeping people safer on the roads and providing drivers with accurate vehicle data that makes their businesses easier and more profitable.
“Real estate agents are busy people” say Spiller and Alexandra.” They drive a lot to service their clients and the busier they are the less time they have to keep up with their mileage records. However, they are entitled to the tax benefit for all those driven kilometers. We are delighted to offer them a SIMPLE system that enables them to not just take their deduction, but have the right government compliant records to KEEP it.”